The African Grey Parrot

Most of the time, when I hear people talking about parrots, they are usually referring to a big colorful bird that looks something like this:
But have you ever seen a parrot that looks like this?
This, my friends, is the amazing African grey parrot. I actually used to own one of these parrots. His name was Smokey, named after his predominant color. Smokey was the first of the many pet birds I would come to care for. In fact, Smokey was the first pet I had that was not a fish or turtle. After several years with Smokey, I grew a real appreciation for his intelligence and unique personality. Most people would think Smokey is just another bird, but he, as with any other African grey parrot, was different. What most people do not know is that African grey parrots are the most intelligent bird species to exist. It has been proven that African grey parrots are as intelligent as a five year old child, in terms of mental and emotional capabilities.

Without me having told you, would you have imagined that the bird pictured above is equally as intelligent as the child pictured below?
They are so intelligent that they can attribute meaning behind the words they imitate, and have even been known to hold simple conversations with people. But, with their intelligence comes a great deal of responsibility for the owner. Because they are so smart, they have an entire range of both physical and emotional needs. Without an owner who is willing to provide the necessary care and affection these marvelous birds deserve, an African grey parrot can easily become depressed, causing them to develop eating problems, pull out their own feathers, throw tantrums just as any five year old would, and in rare cases even die as a result of their poor care. 

As is the case with any other pet, owning an African grey parrot is a privilege that must be valued. These parrots are known to live up to 80 years, similar to the average lifespan of a human. They can make wonderful lifetime companions, but you must be ready to take on the tremendous amount of responsibility that comes with the benefits. If you are looking into getting an African grey parrot or any other parrot, do your research beforehand!


  1. I did not know gray parrots existed until today and I am amazed by their intelligence. African gray parrots are underrated and I’m so glad you shared this so that other people like me can get to know a little bit more of this beautiful animal!

  2. This is genuinely interesting! When I thought of parrots before, I only ever thought of Macaws. Who knew African Gray Parrots could be as smart as my little brother! Thank you for sharing this, and I cannot wait to see what else I could learn from your blog!


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