What Does it Take to Become a Veterinarian?

We all love animals. After all, that is why you are reading this blog, right? But to some, their passion for animals is so great that they choose to pursue a lifelong career of caring for them and treating them when they are ill. Have you ever thought about becoming a veterinarian yourself?
A career as a veterinarian can be a tremendously fulfilling one, but in order to really appreciate it and be successful as a vet, you must have a true love and passion for animals and the responsibilities of the job. Veterinarians play a crucial role in our society by taking care of our pets, farm and ranch animals, and even the animals of the wild through conservation efforts that have actually increased dramatically in recent decades. With such an important role, you must seriously consider all aspects of the career and whether it is truly the right fit for you before deciding to pursue a career as a veterinarian.
To become a veterinarian means committing several years of your life to schooling and training. The first step in the process is completing a bachelor's degree, which generally takes four years. Once that requirement is met, you must apply and be accepted to a veterinary school. After four more years of education at this veterinary school, you will graduate with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. Now it is time to get licensed! All U.S. veterinarians must pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam in order to practice. If you choose to do so, at this point you can attend a residency program to specialize in a specific field of veterinary medicine. 

Although these several requirements may seem difficult and too much of an investment of time on the surface, if you truly have a passion for the career, it will certainly be worth it! In fact, the process will be just as enjoyable. 


  1. In my opinion, is it much more difficult to be a veterinarian than to be a doctor. A doctor can communicate with a patient to figure out what the problem is. In contrast, a veterinarian can't communicate with an animal as effectively which makes it harder to find out what the problem is. I absolutely agree with something you wrote: "...if you truly have a passion for the career, it will certainly be worth it!" It will be a lot of work but anything worth doing requires a lot of work and passion. I look forward to your future blog posts!

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  3. Ever since I have been a kid I have always wanted to be a veterinarian. In my opinion it is way harder to become a vet than a doctor because as a doctor you have to learn and master the human body, but as a vet you have to master and learn all the different types of animals you would be working on. Now don't get me wrong, being a doctor is also extremely challenging but a vet is just harder. This was a really interesting read and I cant wait for more!

  4. My uncle was a veterinarian and I have always found it fascinating since I was a kid. Although it is as you said a long and grueling process, I believe it is worth it if you have the passion for it. Saving animals and helping them while they are suffering must be an incredible feeling of accomplishment. I look forward to reading your blog!


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